a) 行政管理学
b) 社会医学与卫生事业管理学
c) 教育经济与管理学
d) 社会保障学
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社会医学与卫生事业管理学是医学和社会科学、管理科学之间的一个交叉学科群,包括社会医学、卫生事业管理学、卫生经济学、医疗保险学、公共卫生政策、卫生法学、医院管理、医学伦理学等主要学科及其分支学科。社会医学与卫生事业管理以生物、心理、社会医学模式为基础,以社会、社区及其卫生机构、人 员为主要研究对象,将社会科学、管理科学的理论和方法应用于临床医学、预防医学和卫生事业管理学领域,力图揭示社会、文化、经济等因素对群体健康的影响;采取社会措施来防治疾病;促进卫生事业的发展与改革,提高卫生事业的效率和效益。其最终目的在于提高人民的健康水平和生活质量,促进社会经济的发展。
Institutes :Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Laurence J. O'Toole,劳伦斯S.奥图尔,佐治亚大学公共行政及政策学系教授。专业领域:公共管理和公共项目绩效,公共管理网络;复杂机构设置中的政策执行等。
Institutes :University of Georgia
中国MPA之父、行政学家。中国当代行政学的主要奠基人, 早年毕业于原国立中央大学(1949年改名南京大学)法学院政治学系和美国哈佛大学管理学院(今肯尼迪政治学院)回国后,在江苏学院任教一年,1947年起任中山大学教授至今。2006年获美国公共行政学会第一次在亚洲颁发的“国际公共管理杰出贡献奖”。
Institutes :Sun Yat-sen University
Institutes :Wuhan University
Institutes :Sun Yat-sen University
H. George Frederickson,乔治•弗雷德里克森,是公共管理方面的全才,尤其在公共管理伦理学、公共管理理论、多层次管理系统和美国地方政府等领域。他目前担任堪萨斯大学公共管理学特聘教授。他曾担任东华盛顿大学名誉校长直到1987年,并担任美国公共行政学会(ASPA)总裁。他是杂志“公共事务教育”(Journal of Public Affairs Education)的创刊编辑,也是杂志“公共管理研究和理论”的创始人和主编。
Institutes :University of Kansas
Laurence J. O'Toole,劳伦斯S.奥图尔,佐治亚大学公共行政及政策学系教授。专业领域:公共管理和公共项目绩效,公共管理网络;复杂机构设置中的政策执行等。
Institutes :University of Georgia
Public Administration is not only a basic course for undergraduates of School of Government, but also the optional course of School of Law, Department of Sociology and other schools or departments. The course imparts knowledge of government (State Administrative Departments) management activities, like managing national affairs, social affairs and government internal affairs. Students are expected to grasp the professional knowledge of public administration through researching the essence and phenomena, subject and object, concepts and techniques, content and form, institution and process, history and future of government activities. Students are also expected to understand reform and development of modern public administration and its principles, content, model, and general trend. Furthermore, students will obtain the ability of observing, thinking, analyzing and solving problems, especially the ability to understand and analyze relative issues of contemporary Chinese public administration through the combination of practice and theory. In addition, the course of Public Administration will lay a sound theoretical foundation for other related professional studies.
Assist students in understanding the larger significance of the practice of public management.Encourage participants to improve their abilities to analyze, and operate within,the institutional matrix of modern public management with respect for and sensitivity to democratic principles.
This one-semester course aims to let students acquire a general understanding of the essence and the fundamental issues of politics, thus which would lay a solid fondation of their future studies.
This course introduces you to the basics of social statistics—techniques that sociologists and other social scientists use to summarize numeric data obtained from censuses,surveys, and experiments.
Political Economics is one of the core courses required by all of the majors in School of Economics. The course contains the analysis of the relationship of production and of the development process of the capitalist economy. The purpose of this course is to allow the students to learn and understand the basic methods and theories of Marxist economics.
This course outlines today's major challenges facing the management profession. The course uses interactive exercises, simulations and problems to develop critical skills in negotiations, teamwork and leadership. Students will be introduced to concepts and tools to analyze work and leadership experiences in optional undergraduate fieldwork projects.
This course is designed to introduce students to foundemental concepts, theories and methods in sociology. It will also focus on helping students to learn major topics and perspectives in sociological research in China and wordwide, strengthening their professional identity as well as building a sense of social responsibility
Social psychology includes how to interact with individuals and groups, and how groups interact with each other. Social psychology can explain human behavior by using psychology theories. This course includes main theories and concepts of the mainstream social psychology. This course also analyzes how to apply social psychology knowledge to social lives, including interpersonal relationship development, communication and conflict etc.. This course also introduces culture perspective to explain human behavior.