流行病学主要涵盖临床研究, 公共卫生和基础生物学的一些研究问题. 随着科学的进步流行病学的研究范围越来越广, 研究方法也越来越多样化, 按照研究人群有老龄流行病学, 妇产儿流行病学; 按照疾病的种类又有心血管流行病学, 癌症流行病学, 传染病流行病学, 遗传和分子流行病学 ...
是研究恶性肿瘤在人群中的分布及其影响因素,进而探索病因,并制定和评价 预防对策与措施的一门流行病学分支学科。
Institutes :South University of Science and Technology of China
中国农工民主党党员,中国工程院院士,华中农业大学生物医学与健康学院教授,博士生导师。 金梅林主要研究方向为动物源性人兽共患病和新发突发重要动物疫病的病原学、流行病学、致病机制、新型疫苗和诊断制剂等方面的研究。
Institutes :South University of Science and Technology of China
第十四届全国政协委员、中国民主促进会第十五届中央委员会委员、常务委员、加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)流行病学博士、公共卫生专家 。生前是中国疾病预防控制中心流行病学首席专家、性病艾滋病预防控制中心干预室主任、研究员、博士生导师。
1982 年毕业于北京医学院卫生系,1986 年在北京医科大学流行病学专业获医学硕士学位,美国约翰•霍普金斯大学公共卫生学院作博士后。教授,博士生导师,现任中国医学科学院、北京协和医学院党委书记、常务副院校长。
Micheal Klag
Dean Michael J. Klag, MD, MPH '87, is a global leader in public health and medicine. He has served on the Johns Hopkins faculty for three decades and has authored over 200 publications. His scientific contributions have been in the epidemiology of kidney disease, hypertension and cardiovascular disease. He has also been a relentless advocate for issues ranging from autism research to road safety.
Murray Mittleman
哈佛大学流行病学杰出科学家,在急性心血管事件 急性心肌梗死 女性早期急性冠脉综合征和职业伤害方面的研究有卓越贡献。Mittleman博士在心血管疾病研究所的研究小组积极开展初级和更深层次的急性心血管疾病的预防研究,主要有三条研究线。
This course will provide an introduction to cancer epidemiology,highlighting current statistics(in incidence,mortality,and survival) and cancer risk factors(including host and environmental factors).Strategies for cancer prevention and control in the general populaton and within disproportionatly affected populations will also be presented.
This course teaches the principles and practice of clinical epidemiology, drawing on real problems faced by medical professionals and elaborating on existing examples of clinical research. Medical researchers will lean how to translate real clinical problems into tangible research questions for investigation, gaining insight into some of the most important considerations when designing an epidemiological study along the way.
Core concepts will be introduced along four key themes: diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and etiology. Followers of this course will develop their understanding of the topics addressed through lectures from experts, peer interaction and review assignments.
This course focus on methods to study relations between exposure to environmental
agents (for example air pollutants and metals) or conditions (heat waves) and effect markers,
symptoms, morbidity and mortality in population and subgroups. It also describes how to use the
information from epidemiological and toxicological studies in risk assessment and environmental
health impact assessment.
This course will review and discuss about health changes in late life, covering a broad range of
topics, including social and biological models of aging; disability, cognitive decline and
dementia; quality of life; and health care issues.
he goal of this course is to provide an overview of the major topics and issues in cardiovascular disease epidemiology including: 1) summarization of relevant pathophysiology, 2) epidemiology of CVD (incidence,prevalence, mortality and morbidity) overall and in special populations, 3) major and putative risk factors for CVD including genetic, social and economic determinants, 4) methodologic issues in CVD research including surveillance and measures of CVD endpoints and relevant exposures, 5) major population-based studies of CVD in the US and globally, 6) primary and secondary CVD prevention, target groups for prevention, and community-based intervention studies, 7) treatment of CVD and major CVD trials, 8) CVD-related research occurring within the Department of Epidemiology.
The course is designed to apply the principles and methods learned in introductory
epidemiology, epidemiologic methods, and biostatistics courses to the design of epidemiologic studies.This course will focus on epidemiologic methods - primarily methods used in observational studies, cohort studies, case-control studies and randomized controlled trials.
Introduces the basic methods for infectious disease epidemiology and case studies of important disease syndromes and entities. Methods include definitions and nomenclature, outbreak investigations, disease surveillance, case-control studies, cohort studies, laboratory diagnosis, molecular epidemiology, dynamics of transmission, and assessment of vaccine field effectiveness. Case-studies focus on acute respiratory infections, diarrheal diseases, hepatitis, HIV, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, malaria, and other vector-borne diseases.
This course is intended for graduate-level epidemiology students. The course covers both the major theoretical concepts and practical issues involved in conducting research that involves biomarkers in human populations from an epidemiology perspective.
Recent advances in basic science and biotechnology are revolutionizing the field of
epidemiology, creating vast opportunities for studying the relationship between variations at the
molecular or cellular level and early detection, etiology, or prognosis of health related states.
Examines health issues, scientific understanding of causes, and possible future approaches to control of the major environmental health problems in industrialized and developing countries. Topics include how the body reacts to environmental pollutants; physical, chemical, and biological agents of environmental contamination; vectors for dissemination (air, water, soil); solid and hazardous waste; susceptible populations; biomarkers and risk analysis; the scientific basis for policy decisions; and emerging global environmental health problems.
A science dealing with the collection,analysis,interpretation,and presentation of numerical data