在现阶段,环境科学主要是运用自然科学和社会科学的有关学科的理论、技术和方法来研究环境问题,形成与有关学科相互渗透、交叉的许多分支学科。属于自然科学方面的有环境地学、环境生物学、环境化学、环境物理学、环境医学 ...
大气环境学是大气科学和环境科学两种学科交叉的分支学科。它是从人类环境的角度研究地球大气。它主要研究大气组分(组成大气的气体和气溶胶粒子)的物理和化学特性、迁移转化规律以及它们与人类活动、气象和生态系统之间的相互影响。 它与气象学关系密切,但二者有区别,气象学主要是研究影响天气、气候的要素(温、湿、压和风等)和现象(云、能见度、降水等)的变化规律,它并不研究大气组分(如SO2、O3、气溶胶等)的变化规律。大气环境学与空气污染气象学也有密切关系,但二者研究侧重内容也不同。空气污染气象学是研究空气污染和气象学的相互关系。核心问题是研究污染物在大气中的湍流扩散,大气环境学较全面地研究大气中污染物和非污染物的物理、化学和生物过程。
Institutes :Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IPE-CAS)
Institutes :Nanjing Institute of Geology and palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Institutes :Xi'an Jiaotong University
Students should have studied General Chemistry and Analysis Chemistry ahead of entering this course. Students should learn research ideas and methods on environmental chemistry in this course. Students should understand and master the detection and the analysis methods of pollutants and data analysis of the process of pollution generation and changing, hence they could strengthen the understanding of environmental protection. This course is one of the introductory courses which could reach the demand for the students majoring in Environmental Sciences and Environmental Engineering and the workers in related area.
Through the study of this course, students should master the basic concepts, the forming process,the development trend, the research contents, theories, methods and practical application of environmental ecology. Students will understand the changes of the damaged ecosystem and master the theory of ecosystem management and sustainable development.
Environmental soil science is an interdisciplinary discipline, which is a critical branch of environmental science. The environmental soil science mainly works with the terrestrial ecosystem, concentrating on soil environmental quality changes and the underlying mechanisms, influence of natural and human factors on soil environmental quality, sources of various contaminants, soil pollution and degradation as well as the soil quality control.
This course covers the basic concepts and different components of atmospheric environment at an entry level. Topic includes air pollution, climate change, health ecosystem impacts, and environmental policymaking. Specifically, the course will focus on the basic mechanisms of urban haze, Antarctic ozone hole, acid rain, climate change, epidemiological studies, and environmental policies on air pollution control.
The main line of this course is to illustrate the migration and transportation process of certain chemical substances in air, water, soil and biological environmental media, and to discuss deeply the mechanisms and laws of these processes. This course pays more attention to reflect the latest research results and progress of the environmental chemistry and engineering. This course tries to guide the students majoring in environmental sciences and environmental engineering entering the first step into the environmental chemistry field. The course will start in accordance with spheres and specific topics. The contents include atmospheric environmental chemistry, water environmental chemistry, soil environmental chemistry, biological environmental chemistry, industrial ecology, element cycle in all spheres and the behavior and impact of typical substances in different environmental media.
This class provides a general introduction to the diverse roles of microorganisms in natural and artificial environments. It will cover topics including: cellular architecture, energetics, and growth; evolution and gene flow; population and community dynamics; water and soil microbiology; biogeochemical cycling; and microorganisms in biodeterioration and bioremediation.
Aquatic Environmental Chemistry is an important branch of Environmental Chemistry, and it mainly focuses on formation, distribution and cycling procedures of various elements, compounds (natural and anthropogenic), as well as the relationships with other environmental media, clearly reflecting multi-discipline of geo-science and chemistry. The earth aquatic environment mainly includes territorial water body and seawater body, characterized by close association and significant difference. Since global industrialization, the influences from human activities have been far stronger than those from most natural procedures, and aquatic environment has been an extremely important receiver for large amounts of various pollutants emitted. It plays a critical role in controlling transport, transform, fate, as well as related biological and ecological effects (such as deformation, carcinogenicity and mutagenicity) at different spatial and temporal scales.
This course focuses on the monitoring of key pollutants in the environment medium and environmental pollution problem. It introduces the basic principles and technology method of environmental monitoring, quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC), as well as the latest development of monitoring technology. The course includes introduction, water pollution monitoring, air pollution monitoring, soil and solid waste monitoring, noise and radiation pollution monitoring, emergency monitoring, quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) etc. This course highlights the characteristics of environmental monitoring, containing sampling, measurement, data analysis, and QAQC. Theoretical study and experiment are both crucial in this course. The content closely combines the demand of environmental pollution in China. The application of various new instrument and new technique will be introduced in this course. The students are required to understand the situation of environmental problem, and how to monitor and evaluate the environmental quality. The students should also be capable to carry out environmental monitoring, and analyze the data. In addition, a few students should have the ability to perform innovative research.
This course provides systematic knowledge of chemical analysis introducing basic titration methods (acid-base, coordination, redox titration) and gravimetric analysis, and basic knowledge of statistics analysis.