This course surveys the history of social welfare policy, services, and the social work profession.It explores current social welfare issues in the context of their history and the underlying rationale and values that support different approaches. Emphasis is placed on major fields of social work service such as: income maintenance, health care, mental health, child welfare, corrections, and services to the elderly. Analytic frameworks with regard to social welfare policies and services are presented. These frameworks identify strengths and weaknesses in the current social welfare system with respect to multiculturalism and diversity; social justice and social change; behavioral and social science theory and research; and social work relevant promotion, prevention, treatment,and rehabilitation programs and services in relations to the diverse dimensions (including ability,age, class, color, culture, ethnicity, family structure, gender (including gender identity and gender expression), marital status, national origin, race, religion or spirituality, sex, and sexual orientation).
Social Work
社会工作是一门应用学科,以社会福利计划和社会服务为研究对象,旨在运用现代科学知识与方法,研究社会问题的规律及解决办法,促进个人与集体的发展。它关注那些在生理、心理受到损害的个人和社会某一方面受到损害的群体,促进社区和社会的协调发展。 本专业培养掌握社会工作与管理理论、知识和技能,能够从事社会行政管理、社会保障、社区发展、组织与管理、心理咨询、社会发展项目的执行与评估等方面的工作,适宜在党政机关、工青妇等社会团体、新闻单位及人口、劳动、环境保护、城乡发展等部门从事实际工作的专门人才。 研究的领域主要包括:儿童社会工作、青少年社会工作、老年社会工作、妇女社会工作、家庭社会工作、学校社会工作、医疗社会工作、工业社会工作 、矫正社会工作等。